
Vitae, amet amet in maecenas aliquet ipsum. Lobortis bibendum ut massa lorem blandit pellentesque in varius facilisis. Id lectus in nibh sit sem tristique pharetra .
Tincidunt dictum nec sodales nunc viverra massa. Egestas sed id nunc arcu malesuada adipiscing orci id turpis. Convallis mollis vulputate quam egestas.


Adventurous traveler, art director, visual artist, creator of events and projects always related to the evolution of consciousness.

She is an observer of social evolution and co-creator and promoter of a new social paradigm towards greater awareness and enjoyment of life.

I am part of a movement that works for a life free of toxins and unnecessary complexities that destroy life.

My mission is to educate in the art of nurturing consistently. Show the way to eliminate what harms you and guide in the decisions to feed it with respect and intelligence in all areas of life.

Living to our full potential is a right. How we nourish ourselves is the foundation of our health and freedom.

More than 25 years of experience in creating contemporary art events and concepts related to the evolution of consciousness, health and longevity.

Author of the book The Power of Food Vital Kitchen. Grijalbo.

Co-founder of Zenses, the art of living consciously

Artist and creator of wellness concepts, she is an expert in vital, alkaline and symbiotic cuisine.

Symbiotic Nutrition Ambassador.

Food designer in international business platforms and trainer of chefs in Vital kitchen.

Health coach Integrative nutrition institute IIN New York.

Certificated on Raw nutrition by David Wolfe.

Gabriel Cousens, certificate in living kitchen.

Detox Reset retreat creator.
Reset and Chef Vital Certificate


Educator. Cumbre Tajín Festivals.


A trip through Namibia feeding a group on a mission to build a water well for a Himba clan.
A sharing with the tribes about clean food that they can access from their situation. Much human learning.
Trip organized by Kailas Kokopelli where we find ourselves fully with the reality of a powerful people crossing the desert of a culture cornered towards extinction but with the force of a culture beyond the known.

Caravana Kilich Há

Proyecto de escucha de las comunidades para acercarnos a los niños y sus necesidades en la comunidad. Un espacio de acercamiento a comprender su forma de vida y aprender de ellos a la vez que quizá nosotros abrimos un espacio de comprensión e intercambio de inquietudes con ellos. Grupo de la Caravana compuesto por: Alejandra Balado, Alejandra Cerdeño, Mares Nieto, Salomon Bazbaz, Guelly & Markus Ceiba Mirabai, Eitan, Lina y Pema, La familia Chris.

Himba Project con Kailash. KOKOPELLI

Un viaje por Namibia alimentando para un grupo en misión de construir un pozo de agua para un clan Himba.
Un compartir con las tribus sobre alimentos limpios a los que acceder desde su situación. Mucho aprendizaje humano.
Viaje organizado por Kailas Kokopelli donde nos encontramos de lleno con la realidad de un pueblo poderoso atravesando el desierto de una cultura acorralada hacia la extinción pero con la fuerza de una cultura mas allá de lo conocido.


Cumbre Tajin Aldea de la Paz

Foundation of the conscious eating niche. Papantla, Veracruz, is the place where Totonac communities come together to celebrate the Tajin Summit. This is a conscious and common sense eating workshop that I have been teaching at the Festival for several years.

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